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All about life~
Wednesday, 29 January 2014 . 0 Comment(s) .
Assalaualaikum~ hi guys ~
it has been a month since I last update.I just found my inspiration~

~Well I walk like a star,
 I dance like a star,
 I sing like a star,
 but I want to be a good Muslim
 like Prophet Muhammad~

~Being a student is to be clever ,
being a daughter is to be polite to the elders ...
so what is like being me?
Being me is unpredictable~ :P

~I am not perfect but I am limited edition~ XD

Just wondering around during Chinese New Year~I just keep thinking is it wrong to praise ourselves? If we do it to raise our confident...hmph even my history teacher praise herself to raise her confident~But my friend said it is annoying...and insult me but in my opinion it's not.Someone that said it's annoying means that she has zero confident.And I think someone who is ALWAYS humble is annoying pathetic~

~You can say whatever you want but you have no right to make me down and insult me~

P/S: someone who wants to be psychologist please listen to me.
      Being a psychologist is NOT ALL about knowledge
      but it's ALL about manner,attitude and confident in yourself!
      .~If you can't even make your friend being confident about herself ,
      and you can't even praise your friend then stop insult her because          
      you will just ruining her whole life! (Feeling mad & humiliated)

~Read this pray if you feel humiliated~

Thanks for reading :)

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