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PBSMR is killer :p
Thursday, 16 January 2014 . 0 Comment(s) .
                                                                                                                                 Assalamualaikum... hey guys ..

If Tom Welling is women killer then PBSMR is students killer.hehe.
Actually it's not a big deal.If Tom Welling can make thousands of girl kneel for him then PBSMR can make thousands of students feel burden and stress for sure.~Okay just for variety~.If only the government change all the papers to tablet or something advance maybe I can consider about hating this stuffs.We can save the tree if we use tablet right?Then, there is no PBS files or stuffs.We only need to bring our tablet as evidence.hehe.

Dear government you guys might be clever but I'm more genius.Maybe the cost of the tablet is expensive for every students but it's worth it than we cut the innocent trees right?This is only my opinion please take it seriously...anyway I like the concept about H.O.T.S.Actually I love it but isn't it too much for 12 A's?For a kid that only fifteen?If I am the ruler... I will change everything for sure.hehe.~What so over~

yaa ... I know ... I hope~
me-after-15 minutes-studying~
Sometimes I just wondering is it worth for us?I hope batch 99 is not only for an experiment.

                                                                                                                                     a victim.

Thanks for reading :)

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