Sayonara 2014 , Assalamualaikum 2015
It's 11.39 p.m and I don't want to sleep because there will be
firecrackers at 12 midnight.Hehe.
You know what talking about 2014 ... It just I only remember
painful things than happy moments.I thought 2014 was really a joke
back then.When I remember it , it will be funny though.
Hating my second name ?competing with my classmates for getting
higher marks?Having revenge on someone who is innocent?
Fighting with my friends?
Get a heartbroken on the last day at school?
Broke up with my friend in informal way by tearing her picture?
I am very bad though on 2014 but the fact is I never told anyone about
that for real , face to face haha,I'm really good at keeping revenge.
So, what? who cares about that?I already forgive all my friend.
Nobody is perfect though :P.When I'm thinking about that ,
I don't know why I'm so mad about it.hehe.
Back then, I just saw the stars glowing brightly at me.
And that time I pray to Allah that I wish I 'll never grow up.
Because I'm afraid everybody will change.
Well everybody change because they grow up.
We need to move forward however.
Because I need to achieve my ambition being ambassador of Malaysia.
So... Welcome 2015.I will try harder to be good girl in 2015.
It's 12 already.It starts to rain and the firecracker have just begin
sad in smile.bye |
Thanks for reading :)
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