The decision
ok ...(tarik nafas) - (hembus)
somebody : think... if you want to give up now ,think why are you keep moving all this time?
me : because if I don't give up now you will ask the same thing in the future...
haha clever rotten brats good at manipulating facts and what's so over ...hehe.
I don't really like going to my old school but I 'll miss them what on earth am I doing?
Yup and I confuse weather I need to go to more advance school or just stay here.
I'll miss my old school because of the teacher that really encourage me to talk that much.
Haha.'tetiba teringat cikgu BI'
M.O - Good Fatimah you're very diligent and intelligent.
M.F - very good... you're the only form 3 student who get A in English.
P.S - Excellent Fatimah! you've don't great your essay is a grade A's student
- Very good all correct!
-You have to be firm by your actions
-It's okay Fatimah as long as you talk
And that time I was like...
haha too excited...
Then tell me where should I go?Same thing is happening to me again when I was form 1.
sincerely from the everlasting happiness,
Thanks for reading :)
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